The Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark Attorneys (ASPTA) was founded in 1888 simultaneous with the entry into force of the first Swiss Patent Law.

Over its long history, the ASPTA has safeguarded and promoted, in Switzerland and abroad, the interests, rights and point of view of its members, independent professionals working in the Intellectual property field.

As the national association of the highly-regarded International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI), the ASPTA and its members are subject to its statutes and its Code of Conduct. This guarantees principals and colleagues competent and high-quality work in the area of intellectual property protection, governed by strict ethical principles.


Verband Schweizerischer Patent-und Markenanwälte VSP
Postfach 638
3000 Bern
[email protected]

Learn more about FICPI-Switzerland- Verband Schweizerischer Patent und Markenanwälte.

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ExCo Delegate: Ms. Alena Bach
ExCo Alternate Delegate: Ms. Alexandra Dieter
President of the Board: Mr. Harry Frischknecht
Vice President of the Board: Mrs. Barbara Gehri
Secretary: Mr. Sven Capol
Treasurer: Mr. Tarik Kapić